Availability of Health Care Service Information on Internet: A Study of Vijayapura city

Shobha Patil, P. G. Tadasad


An attempt is made in this paper to provide an overview of the availability of health care service information on the Internet based on a study of websites of health service providers. Health information is one of the most frequently sought on the Internet. Internet Information technologies herald a major change in the dissemination of health and medical information, with the promise of transferring knowledge from health professionals to the general public. Accessibility to online clinical and health information is essential for better health outcomes. There are currently several websites and search engines that provide health care service information. But qualitatively the information provided by them is not satisfactory. On the other hand its usage is also in question due to various factors. Furthermore, there is a need for practitioners in the Vijayapura city health sector to take an active position in providing timely and context-relevant information to the growing need for online health information. The study concludes that it is an opportunity for information professionals to take a lead position in regulating and ensuring the availability of health-related information, especially that related to local health services. Such efforts will also complement existing initiatives aimed at improving active participation of the Vijayapura city people in promoting and sustaining healthy practices

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